Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Challenge of Hauling Lumber in a Compact Car

Brandi and I did a little post-work tango last night, where she drove to class downtown and picked me up so that I could drop her off. Why? Myopic Cowboy errands, picking up bedsheets (Big Lots, in Niles), olde tyme bottles (American Science and Surplus, in Chicago), and lumber (Home Depot, in Evanston).

The last was kind of a magic trick, for anyone who has met our car, "Pip." A Scion xA chosen for its price and good mileage, Pip has served us for the two years we've owned him. He's driven Brandi to work, us to Ohio, and, last year, hauled half our stuff from our old apartment to our new condo. This took about twenty trips. (For the other half, we hired movers, who broke a window at our old place and promised to but never paid for it.) I know this car like Russians know Tetris. When I bought the lumber, a part of me wondered, "Can I get this stuff inside my car or do I have to strap it to the roof and spend another half hour outside in twenty degree weather?" Another, more swaggery part, replied with, "Ahhhh, forget about it. You got this." When questioned further, this squirrely personality fragment said, "No, really, it's easy. You run the 2x4s diagonally through the cab with the passenger seat laid flat and the rear passenger seat backs down. If that's not enough, you may even be able to wedge some boards under the passenger footwells." Sure enough, this worked, as evidenced by the photo, which looks like our car has been tragically speared.

For the curious, the navigation system Brandi's parents bought us is called "Gigi."

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