Thursday, March 13, 2008

Team Armsen-Larsbruster

My mom called me the other day to let me know that my sister, who ran the Cincinnati Flying Pig half marathon last year, would be doing the full marathon this year. I almost cheered. My sister is a full-time mom of three who has hardly enough time during the day to take a breath. For many years, while the kids were very small, she hardly had time to walk, much less train for a marathon. Brandi and I asked her to stand in our wedding about a month before she found out she was pregnant with child number three. My sister had a little more than eleven months to be pregnant, get fitted, have a baby, and lose the baby weight to fit the dress again. She did, and it amazes me, and I'm a DUDE.

It amazes me even more that we'll be running this race, kind of together. Heather has a group she runs with, and of course we're at completely different paces, but with any luck afterwards we can get into a fight over who is more sore, and where. She is my sister after all.

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